Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise do uso de fontes jornalísticas na cobertura do Diário de Santa Maria durante o Pré-Júri do Caso Kiss
Hundertmarck, Débora Evelyn Trindade
This research aims to analyze the sources used in the pre-jury coverage of the Kiss Case in the digital version of the newspaper Diário de Santa Maria. We seek to understand the role of the sources, how sources were used for, against and neutral in relation to the condemnation of the defendants, what evaluative effects are present in their manifestations and if there is a pattern in the activation. For this, we employ an analysis protocol as a methodology in which we use the classification of sources proposed by Schmitz (2011), in addition to the evaluative and targeted effects proposed by Charaudeau (2015). After analyzing the 13 selected articles, we identified that most were testimonial sources, with an opinion-evaluating effect and that there was a greater activation of sources in favor of the conviction to the detriment of contrary or neutral sources. We conclude that the newspaper made a pre-jury coverage paced with the commotion due to the choice of sources.