Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Sistema de supervisão e aquisição de dados com interface web aplicado à microgeração de energia hidráulica
2016-01-06Registro en:
DE LIMA, V. F. Sistema de supervisão e aquisição de dados com interface web aplicado à microgeração de energia hidráulica. 2067. 105 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação)- Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2016
De Lima, Vanessa Furtado
Micro hydropower plants have become an interesting object of study because the interest in distributed generation has increased recently, even though it had already been
developed in the early days of electricity generation. Therefore, this project proposes the development of a supervisory control and data acquisition system applied to micro hydropower plants. Because it is free of charges and able to easily adapt to several physical interfaces, Modbus TCP/IP protocol was implemented using Concerto F28M36x
Experimenter’s Kit to exchange data with the supervisory system. Concerto F28M36x Experimenter’s Kit includes a multi-core DSP with excellent performance where applications are developed for acquisition and processing of data from system’s instrumentation boards. The supervisory system with a Modbus driver allows real-time monitoring of the transmitted data with a friendly interface. Also, a web server database stores data acquired by the supervisory system. It is possible to monitor the micro hydropower plant system remotely using a web interface that was developed using PHP and HTML programming languages.