Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Metodologia de análise da capacidade de hospedagem de sistemas fotovoltaicos em redes de distribuição de energia elétrica
Gehrke, Poleana
In order for the insertion of new technologies to bring benefits to electricity distribution
networks, those associated with solar energy must be carefully analyzed, since low voltage
networks were built considering unidirectional power flow, not taking into account the
inclusion of large portions of distributed generation. In this way, there is a need for research
inherent in the evaluation of the hosting capacity (CH) of photovoltaic (PV) systems, with the
objective of guaranteeing the supply of quality electrical energy, as well as the possibility of
anticipating local problems of network planning electric. Thus, the present work presents the
creation of a methodology to evaluate the CH of PV systems in distribution networks. The
analyzes are carried out considering some probability profiles of parameters related to the
adoption of PV systems, and the evaluation of the effects. In general, the MMC consists of the
possibility of creating several random scenarios, and the position of each PV system is drawn
by the software according to the curves of the profiles of consumers with the highest probability
of adopting the PV system. The probability curves refer to the link between purchasing power
and installed load, consumption, consumer education levels, in addition to the influence of the
effect in pairs on possible installation, where the parameter weights were defined using the
hierarchy method analytics (AP). The algorithm is implemented in Python programming
language, which uses a DLL interface of the Open Distribution System Simulator (OpenDSS)
software for power flow simulations. The case study is carried out considering a low voltage
network, where the weights of each parameter are varied through sensitivity analysis.
Subsequently, the possibility of overvoltages is maintained, as this is the most common limiting
factor found with the insertion of PV systems. Thus, it is evidenced in the study that the lines
that represent higher voltage indicators are located further away from the transformer,
demonstrating that the CH is lower at the ends of the feeder section. Furthermore, it is exposed
that the reconductor of cables is a mitigation solution for the effects caused by overvoltage.