Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Sistema construtivo de concreto pré-moldado em residências unifamiliares: Peculiaridades, desafios e adaptações necessárias
Lucia, Guilherme Facco Santa
The industrialization of homes is becoming increasingly prevalent. The precast concrete system is a means to optimize construction processes, increasing its quality, but it is still an underutilized methodology in the construction of homes. This work deals with the necessary solutions and adaptations to maximize the advantages of this construction system. An approach is made of the structural systems, the precast elements, and the executive processes. Together with companies located in the city of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, after data collection, it is concluded that the use of precast concrete for single-family homes requires, in addition to qualified labor, less architectural flexibility for this methodology to be viable. It is also concluded that its greatest efficiency is in homes with the greatest number of repeated pieces, as it impacts both the production time of the pieces and the total cost of the work. This work shows how the use of this system can ensure more efficient technological control and shorter delivery time of the work, a more organized construction site, fewer workers for execution, and in terms of sustainability, less waste of material when compared to traditional methodology.