A proteção dos direitos fundamentais de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros expostos aos ‘jogos’ de desafio na internet
Chaves, Elisa Viana Dias
The present study intends to analyze the vulnerability of children and adolescents in
the face of dangerous and harmful content existing in the so-called challenge
'games', verifying the action of the actors in charge of integral protection in Brazil for
the promotion and protection of fundamental rights of children and adolescents in this
context. context, in order to finally present alternatives for the realization of the best
interest of the child. In the so-called 'games' of challenge, practitioners are often
induced to self-mutilation, self-exposure to risk, and even suicide. Such behaviors
have become a worldwide concern in view of their rapid dissemination through the
internet, which is why the study of the subject is relevant, when it investigates
whether it is possible to affirm that family, society and the State are effectively
fulfilling their duties in the promotion and protection of the fundamental rights of these
players, and then, verifying the shortcomings of the current system, present
alternatives to reconcile technological advances and their risks, with the Doctrine of
Integral Protection. For its development, the present work was based on Manuel
Castells, Josiane Rose Petry Veronese, Rosane Leal da Silva and Lynn Rosalina
Gama Alves, adopting the deductive method of approach, while the method of
procedure used is the monographic and comparative, the the first will be used to
analyze examples of challenge 'games' and their risks, which will allow the
approximation between theory and practice, while the second will be used insofar as
experiences carried out in member countries of the European Union to promote
integral protection will be verified of children and adolescents who participate in
challenge games, verifying whether these practices could be replicated in Brazil. The
documentary technique was used, with the elaboration of files and summaries based
on the readings carried out for the study of the theme, as well as the technique of
direct observation of challenge ‘games’, especially those that are published on the
Youtube website. The false impression of being prepared by "digital natives" for safe
navigation is deconstructed when their lack of maturity is verified, as well as the free
circulation of harmful and illegal content in the online environment, in this scenario it
is up to those in charge of integral protection to make the internet a safer
environment, promoting the fundamental rights of children and adolescents and a
dignified life, in which they are allowed the free and protected exercise of these