Associação entre obesidade, rigidez arterial e aterosclerose carotídea em adultos
Selli, Roselaine
Introduction: Obesity has been closely related to the incidence of cardiovascular disease and
mortality. Atherosclerosis and arterial stiffness are related to vascular aging and represent a
risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular mortality and all-cause mortality.
Objective: To analyze the association of obesity with arterial stiffness and carotid
atherosclerosis in a sample of adult patients in southern Brazil. Methodology: Crosssectional, descriptive and analytical study based on data collected from medical records.
Individuals aged > 18 years who had consulted the cardiology service where the study was
conducted and had laboratory tests in their medical records (fasting blood glucose, creatinine,
lipid profile) as well as weight and height records were included in the study; carotid
ultrasound and arterial stiffness test (PWV). Results: The sample consisted of 329 patients,
with a mean age of 62.3, with a higher prevalence of women (53.8%), non-smokers (91.5%),
sedentary (76.3%), with SAH (75.7%), using antihypertensive drugs (61.4%). Individuals
with obesity (P=<0.001) had higher glucose levels (P=0.044) and lower HDL-cholesterol
(P=0.054). PWV was higher in patients with high glucose (P=0.019), diabetic (P=0.004),
hypertensive (p<0.007), with the presence of atherosclerotic plaque in carotid arteries
(P=<0.001). After multivariate analysis, arterial stiffness was directly correlated, very high
with age (result r=0.902; p=<0.001) and moderate with the percentage of the largest plaque
(s=0.515; p=<0.001). Conclusion: After multivariate analysis, it was found that arterial
stiffness is directly correlated with the age factor and the size of the carotid atherosclerotic
plaque, and no significant difference was found in the parameters of arterial stiffness or
carotid atherosclerosis in individuals with and without obesity.