Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Condições ambientais do cemitério municipal de Iraí
2023-01-24Registro en:
Citação: BONISSONI, K. L. Condições ambientais do cemitério municipal de Iraí. 2023. 39 p. Trabalho
de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária) - Universidade Federal de Santa
Maria, Frederico Westphalen, RS, 2022.
Bonissoni, Keli Luiza
The practice of burying the dead dates back thousands of years as a cultural and religious form. Many
cemeteries currently contaminate the soil and water, by exercising their practice incorrectly, leaving them
totally unsupported or even without maintenance. Thus, this study aims to analyze the environmental conditions
of the Municipal Cemetery of Iraí - RS. For this, site visits were made and the main issues related to the
cemetery were analyzed. The results indicated that the area has 11,600 m2, and includes 3,355 graves. In
addition, cases of abandoned graves were identified, or even, with a possible leakage of necrochorume,
presence of waste without correct packaging, besides the absence of a management plan of the site, aiming at
identifying the tombs. As mitigating measures, the installation of waste disposal points is recommended (either
from construction or other materials), awareness signs, as well as an identification plan for the graves and
blocks of the cemetery. Finally, the installation of monitoring wells becomes a viable alternative, because then
it will be possible to identify possible changes in the environment, caused by the activity.