| Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
O souvenir como contribuição a imagem do destino e a experiência turística no Distrito Criativo Centro-GARE, Santa Maria, RS
2023-07-14Registro en:
FIALHO, A. B. O souvenir como contribuição a imagem do destino e a experiência turística no Distrito Criativo Centro-GARE, Santa Maria, RS. 2023. 78 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação em Gestão de Turismo - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2023.
Fialho, Aline Britto
This research corresponds to the conclusion work of the Technology Course in Tourism
Management, at the Federal University of Santa Maria and has as its main theme the souvenir
as a strategy to strengthen the image of the destination and to promote the tourist experience in
the Centro-Gare Creative District, from Santa Maria - RS. According to Teixeira et al. (2016,
p. 261), Creative Districts are innovation habitats that foster the creative economy by
revitalizing urban spaces and valuing people's creative potential, agents capable of
differentiating cities from each other based on of its varied characteristics of those who reside,
act and visit. The general objective of the research is to propose the strengthening of the image
of the territory and its identity through the materialization of its architectural cultural heritage
through the souvenir product and, as specific, to contribute to the promotion of the tourist
experience; propose a set of new souvenirs with a focus on innovation and creativity, publicize
the tourist destination through the souvenir as a complement to the tourist attraction image of
the destination and value the built architectural cultural heritage. With a qualitative approach,
the methodological procedures for obtaining the proposed objectives gathered sources and data
that served as a basis for the construction of the investigation starting from a bibliographical
and documental review, on-site visits, data collection, descriptive analysis, proposition of a
souvenir prototype for the Centro-Gare Creative District tourist destination, for the
enhancement and dissemination of the territory. With regard to the tourist experience in creative
districts, a product designed to be innovative and creative enables new ways for the visitor to
relate to these urban spaces based on what souvenir consumption can propose, such as:
identifying the destination, knowing the territory, diversify the consumer, cultural and creative
immersion and propose a connection with the place through contact with the territory, with its
creative talents, with the hosts, in short, with all possible mediators of experiences.