Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Visões do rádio: o local e o nacional nas emissoras radiofônicas (1937-45)
Adamczuk, Lindamir Ester
The political project implanted during the Estado Novo period aimed to
consolidate a national identity based on cultural and territorial unit. In order to
reach that aim the Vargas government made use of the mass media, such as
the radio, which was also a target on Vargas’s nationalist politics. In face of the
elaboration of a national pattern for the vehicle, as well as of its local
orientation, we intend to study the schedule of four radio stations located border
area of Southern Brazil, trying to verify the irradiation of contents of national and
local features in the schedule of those stations. For that, we had a bibliography
that approached some concepts as nation and national identity, besides studies
about broadcasting. Also, newspapers with the schedules and chronicles from
the broadcasting stations and interviews with former professionals were used.
From the analysis, we concluded that the existence and the prevalence of a
national pattern in the programme of those frontier broadcasting stations were
intense, being possible to notice the popularization of messages with a strong
content of pride and love to Brazil. Moreover, that the significative presence of
local content did not necessarily represent the local/regional culture and identity
and, finally, as a consequence of the previous factors, we verified there are
abandonment and forgetfulness of genuinely regional artistic and cultural
expressions during the nationalist wave.