Gêneros de texto em livro didático de matemática: um olhar sistêmico-funcional para a linguagem no estudo das frações no ensino fundamental
Pereira, Daniela Moraes
This research aimed to map nas analyze, from the perspective of Systemic Functional
Linguistics, henceforth SFL (HALLIDAY, 1989, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004), the
instantiations of text genre used to present the contente of fractions in a mathematics textbook
for the 6th year of elementary school in order to verify the functions performed by these genres
in the school context. The work is based on the theoretical-methodological perspective os SFL,
focusing on the lexical-grammatical system of transitivity (HALLIDAY; MATHIESSEN, 2004)
and on the discursive system of Ideation (MARTIN: ROSE, 2007). As for the methodological
approach, the research is qualitative and exploratory in nature. The universe of analysis of this
research is the textbook “A Conquista da Matemática” (GIOVANNI, Jr.; CASTRUCCI, 2008)
from the 6th year of elementary school. Compose de research corpus the texts that are parto
f the unit 5 of the aforementioned textbook, wich deals with the content of fractions. The
research’s analytical procedures are: description of the registry variables in each selected text;
descriotion and analysis of linguistic recurrences of transitivity system’s functions, description
and analysis of the taxonomic relations of Superordination and Composition, of the nuclear
relations and sequences of activites of the Ideation’s discursive system; analysis of linguistic
marks of the most relevant systems to identify stages and phases of genre; discription of the
Schematic Structure of Genre (SSG) to confirme the communicative purpose and identification
os recurrent genres in aquisition of knowledge about fractions in the textbook under analysis;
verification of the functions performed by this/these genre(s)of the teaching of fractions in the
analyzed context. Thus, in 33 texts that composed the corpus of this work, 12 instantiations of
the problem genre were indentified, the only representative corpus of the typical genres of
Mathematics, mapped by Rose (2001); three instantiations of conditional explanations and one
instantiation of sequencial explanation, genre belonging to the explanations family; six
instantiations of procedure reports and one instatiation for analysis, belonging to the procedure
family; finally, two instatiations of the historical account genre were indetified, belonging to the
history family. In addition, in the corpus of this research, instantiations of four macro genres
were identified. The problem genre were the most instantiated in the texts of the corpus, with
recurrence of 36% of the identified genres. About this genre, constitued by the
Contextualization, Data Supply and Operation Verification stages, the Resolution stage was
identified in the texts that presente the content fractions. This step is usually not explicit in the
text since, since it is up to reader to perform the calculations and arrive at the result. The results
of this research can contribute with subsidies for the teaching and learning process of reading
Mathematics texts, since, knowing the stages and phases of the genres, teachers and studants
can use the most diverse mechanisms for reading the texts that build learning in this
disciplinary field.