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A formação continuada de professores de Educação Física: o Blog/GEPEF/UFSM como forma de desenvolvimento e interlocução de saberes docentes
Mazzocato, Ana Paula Facco
This study aimed to analyze the formative spaces of interlocution of teachers knowledge of
BLOG/GEPEF/UFSM that collaborated for the continued formation of physical education
teachers. The methodology was characterized as qualitative documentation in the form of case
study. The case studied was the blog of the Group of Studies and Research in Physical
Education (GEPEF) of Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM). Used content analysis for
the interpretation of the information collected on the blog while a document. Concluded that
the blog presented various themes through their 'markers', and that some of these are directly
related for contributions to the teachers formation, thus constituting with a formative space.
Yet, constated that the 'marker' II Cycle Studies about Formation and Practice Pedagogical of
Physical Education Teachers presented with the main educational space, because possible
reflections and discussions that resulted exchange of knowledge among the participants,
contributing thus for continuing formation of the same.