Memórias e saberes nas narrativas de ex-seminaristas da Congregação dos Padres do Sagrado Coração de Jesus (1970-1980)
Alberti, Dirceu Luiz
This work presents the studies performed upon the educative practices
developed in the smaller seminaries of the Congregation of the Priests of the
Holly Heart of Jesus placed in the towns of Criciumal (RS), Corupá (SC) and
Curitiba (PR). The seminary constituted, in the seventies, a important pedagogical
space for the formation of Christian boys. It was verified , however, that in the
process of the formation many young boys gave up of the seminary, looking for a
space in the laic society. It was investigated , through the stories of life of a group
of six ex-seminarists natural of the town of Tucunduva (RS), in which way the
formal means idealised for the formation of priests contributed in the construction
of laic, male and Christian subjects. The methodology used was the oral history,
modality stories of life, in order to make again a trajectory of particular formation
and to know the educational context that absorbed this part of young boys in a
particular epoch and place producing knowledge that made possible to them
possible spaces of action in the laic society where they are inserted today. The
focus was directioned to the gender perspective of Joan Scott with the intention of
verifying and understanding the particular modality of education and formation of
a singular masculinity constructed in that context. The theoretical support that
gave sustentation to the categories of analysis Was Michel Foucault whose works
made possible an understanding of the educative disciplinary practices that acted
upon the bodies and the minds constituting them laic and Christian subjects. The
collaborators were interviewed individually, with semi-structured questions, in
order to reach in their specking the necessary elements for this study. It was
emphasised in the speaking of the collaborators the influence of the seminary in
the human growing that express itself in the living of the human values , in the
discipline in all the ways, in the facility of communication and sociability with the
other people, in the abilities to work in group, in the respect to the differences, in
the capacity of take decisions, in the abilities to lead groups and in the fidelity to
the Christian principles. The works divided in five chapters about: the oral
history; the historical and sauce-cultural context of the ex-seminarists; the
Congregation of the Priests of SCJ; the theoretical contextualization of the theme;
and the knowledge’s inherent to the formation of the seminarist.