Análise socioeconômica na perspectiva dos gestores e cooperados em uma cooperativa agropecuária da região central do RS
Wakulicz, Gilmar Jorge
Cooperatives are entities that have a dual function, econoic and social, na unlike commercial
companies, members are both owners and users of the enterprise. These aspects highlight the
need to evaluate cooperatives differently from other capitalist companies, taking care not to
forget their social purpose. The general objective of this study is to understand how the
economic and social nature/function is perceived by the cooperative members and managers
and if there is a balance between the interests of the organization and the cooperative members,
mainly regarding the social aspect in na agricultural cooperative. The specific objectives are, to
analyze the socioeconomic performance in a cooperative of the agricultural branch;
demonstrate the perception of managers of an agricultural cooperative in relation to its social
and economic function; understand the perceptions of cooperative members regarding the
economics and social aspects of a cooperative organization in the agricultural sector; and,
understand how the cooperative members and technicians of the cooperative perceive the
Technical Assistance and Rural Extension services provided by the Technical Department. As
a methodological procedure, the case study strategy was used. Data collection covered complete
balance sheets for the years 2016 to 2022 as well as cooperative management report, direct
observation and semi-structured interviews with four managers and three members of the
Technical Departament, applicaton of a survey (68 questionnaires with quantitative and
qualitative data). Descriptive statistics, content analysis technique, SPSS 23.0® software and
discourse analysis were used for data analysis. From the analysis of the economic-financial
indicators, it is observed that the cooperative presents sensitive indicators – increase in the total
debt level over the years and the significant dependence on third-party capital for investiments
in the short and long term, in relation to equity liquid. With regard to social indicators, the social
capital indicator paid in by the cooperative stands out, due to the decision to annually return
part of the share of the associates, a policy that can compromise the financial health of the
cooperative, because by reducing the social capital the cooperative will need to raise financial
resources from third parties, probably with higher interest rates. In the perception of the
managers, there is the fulfilment of the economic and social functions in the cooperative.
However, for managers and cooperative members, the social function is closely linked to
tehnical assistence. In the economic function, the main link between the cooeprative and the
members is the price paid to the producer for is deposited crop. The cooperative members
understand that the cooperative does not meet all their needs. It is concluded that managers
should pay attention to the inidcators that show negative growth, such as the level of
indebtedness, so that in the médium and long term it remains financially healthy. The
cooperative members, despite claiming to know the dual economic and social function of a
cooeperative, have difficulty defining the variables that represent them. Also, it is possible to
state that the non-contemplation of somo of the wishes of the cooperative members can come
from the low presence in the forums of representation of the associates, where they can discuss
what are their interests together with the managers of the organization.