Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Aprendizado por reforço profundo paralelo aplicado a navegação de drones em três dimensões
2023-02-23Registro en:
KOLLING, A. H. Aprendizado por reforço profundo paralelo aplicado a navegação de drones em três dimensões. 2023. 95 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia de Controle e Automação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2023.
Kolling, Álisson Henrique
The work presented in this text consists of a study on deep reinforcement learning applied
to mapless navigation of drones in three dimensions. For this, two methods were used,
D4PG and DSAC, both with parallelization and distribution capabilities. In addition, a prioritized
memory was employed in each of the methods. The drone used in the study was the
Hydrone, a hybrid quadrotor drone that operates only in the air. The methods were trained
in environments of varying complexity, from obstacle-free environments to environments with
multiple obstacles in three dimensions. The results showed a good learning capacity of the
methods, which were able to achieve the vast majority of the proposed objectives. Additionally,
the generalization of the methods was tested by applying them in unseen environments, which
showed that the methods had good generalization capacity. In summary, this work presented a
study on deep reinforcement learning applied to mapless navigation of drones in three dimensions,
with promising results and potential applications in various contexts related to robotics
and autonomous air navigation.