Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Design e implementação de uma arquitetura de data warehouse
Alves, Yuri Oliveira
This project aims to develop a Data Warehouse (DW) architecture that automates the processes of data collection, transfer, and consolidation. Organizations often face the challenge of managing large volumes of data without an adequate strategy, which can make it difficult to interpret this information. A DW architecture can efficiently transform large amounts of data into standardized objects, facilitating the visualization and extraction of accurate information to support decision-making. This work describes the construction of an application that uses DW technology to locate, standardize, and facilitate the query and extraction of knowledge in a case study in the area of police officers. To implement the case study, the Postgres database with the DBLINK extension and the Python language were used, which support the entire process of DW and proved suitable for the study application. Additionally, this work presents a comparison between the available transfer tools for the ETL process, as well as the main challenges encountered in the implementation of this modular DW architecture, aiming to facilitate the management and orchestration of abundant and diverse amounts of data. Thus, the implementation of a DW architecture can bring numerous contributions to organizations, allowing for better data management and interpretation, assisting in decision-making based on accurate and standardized information.