Características determinantes para o sucesso na licitação de itens por pregão eletrônico na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Porto, Rafael Adriano Neis
The objective of this work was to verify the characteristics that determine success in
negotiating with suppliers of items bid by electronic reverse auction at the Federal University
of Santa Maria (UFSM). For this purpose, the characteristics of the bid items were initially
identified. Using descriptive statistics, the sample was divided into the group of awarded and
non-awarded items, presenting the frequency and percentage of the identified variables. Using
the Independent-Samples T Test, it was verified whether, on average, there is a difference
between the group of awarded and non-awarded items in the metric variables. The
determination of which characteristics are predictors of success in the negotiation of the bid
items was performed using binary logistic regression, using the situation of the item as the
dependent variable and the bid quantity, the estimated unit value, the number of items in the
process, the number of characters in the description, the variation of the General Price Index –
Market (IGP-M) and the time of publication of the notice as metric covariates, in addition to
the categorical variables acquisition by Price Registration System (SRP), purchase by batch
and delivery on the campuses of Santa Maria, Cachoeira do Sul, Frederico Westphalen and
Palmeira das Missões. To develop management measures in order to increase the success rate
of the bid items, the 5W2H tool was used. The results indicated that the greater the quantity
bid for each item, the greater the success rate. Items whose estimated price was up to twenty
reais, the public notice period was up to 15 days and the opening of the trading session was
held in the second and third quarters had a higher success rate. The number of items on the
trading session, on average, was higher in those awarded than in those non-awarded, which
had a positive impact on the general situation of the items, while the variation in the IGP-M
showed the opposite effect. The number of characters, as well as the delivery locations, did
not show a high variation in the success rate of the items. SRP acquisition reduced the item
success rate, while group acquisition increased it. Thus, it was concluded that in order to
increase the success in the bidding of items by electronic reverse auction at UFSM, the bid
quantity of each item must be increased, which can be done with the use of the intention of
registering prices, which allows the sharing of public notices between government agencies
that are interested in acquiring the same object. The demands must be aggregated according to
the similarity of the items, in order to avoid public notices with few items, less effective and
efficient. It is also suggested to use the electronic reverse auction for immediate purchase in
cases where the exact quantity to purchase is known, or contract, when the periodic supply of
items is foreseen and the purchase in batches, when using the SRP.