Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Políticas públicas e gestão educacional: a questão do financiamento da educação
Vasconcelos, Marco Antonio Rodrigues
This monograph proposes a reflection on public policies for educational funding and
Singapore specifically, we seek to investigate the links between educational
management and educational policies implemented in Fortaleza - CE and the context
of its boundaries, through a research is qualitative, approach to literature and as a
case study. Initially lie some characteristics of the Brazilian educational covering
Colony, Empire and Republic, where he was listed definitions of funding policies, the
perceived need to create a fund to ensure the application of resources.
Subsequently, we discuss the range of impacts on grounds of public funding of
education, in order to meet the provisions of the Constitution Federal/1988. The
exposure of subsidies is key to understanding how to express themselves and
express the difficult "universal" and decentralization of primary education. In the
analysis of public spending on education, we use data produced by the Union and
the Municipality of Fortaleza, it is possible to observe that the cost of education
remained stable between the last decade and the present day, yet at the same time,
the municipal doubled the attendance, exacerbating the differences between the
physical network and the right to a minimum standard of quality education. Thus, at
the municipal level, the practical result of the latest reforms was the gradual reduction
of spending student in elementary school, which thins the discourse and practices of
a design guided by neoliberal ideas and proposes an erosion of the state to the policies.