Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Direito à informação: o acesso à informação arquivística a partir da lei 12.527/2011
2017-06-29Registro en:
AZEVEDO, A. L. G. Direito à informação: o acesso à informação arquivística a partir da lei 12.527/2011. 2017. 57 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquivologia)–Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2017.
Azevedo, André Luiz Grendene de
The information acess is a fundamental requirement to governement decisions under management of Society, and also under citizens in your particularly decisions, take into account the principle of publicity. The communication right, the freedom of speech, the right of being informed and to inform are áreas of information law and allow the citizens interaction and share of their knowledges around politicians actions and social ongoings. In 2011 was aoorived the Law 12.527, called the Informationn Access Law (IAL), having acess while rule, seeking to clarify public administration activities related to public expenditure and to own company´s management policy. However, it´s not na absolut right, once the law allow the secrecy, even though this is na exception. Therefore, the aim of this research is to broad the argues about the information law after the publication of the Information Access Law (IAL) in Brazil.