Padrões de desfolha em pastagem consorciada de sorgo forrageiro e papuã
Rodrigues, Dinah Pereira Abbott
Expanding knowledge about defoliation patterns in mixtures is crucial to provide grazing
strategies targeting to optimize forage production, as it directly influences plant behavior to
animal grazing. The work was carried out aiming to evaluate defoliation intensity and frequency
of defoliation in pasture of forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) and alexandergrass
(Urochloa plantaginea (Link) Hitch) grazed by beef heifers, kept under continuous stocking.
The experimental design was completely randomized, with measures repeated in time, with two
treatments, totalizing nine replications. The treatments evaluated were forage species, forage
sorghum and alexandergrass, during pasture phenological stages. For variables from structural
characteristics of mixture, five evaluation periods (n = 90) were considered. For variables from
defoliation patterns, there were four evaluation periods (n = 72). The variables forage mass,
forage supply and stocking rate were evaluated only as a function of experimental periods. The
overall leaf blade defoliation intensity (%) was higher for forage sorghum, when compared to
alexandergrass, in the second and fourth evaluation periods. The overall leaf blade defoliation
frequency (number of defoliation blade-1 day-1) was higher for forage sorghum (0.12), to the
detriment of alexandergrass (0.09). The total leaf blade mass (kg DM ha-1) was higher and
lower in the first and fifth evaluation periods, respectively. In addition, alexandergrass
maintained the amount of leaf blade mass in the last evaluation periods, while forage sorghum
was already starting pre-flowering phenological stage. In this context, beef heifers have their
defoliation patterns altered depending on phenological stage of mixture. A partial preference
for forage sorghum was observed, however alexandergrass proved to be a forage species that
ensures longevity for the system. Therefore, the mixture of these species is favorable and