Compreendendo as dimensões da governança pública: um estudo de caso na Câmara de Vereadores de Tangará da Serra, Mato Grosso (MT)
Terra, Josenai Oliveira
The search for a more effective public administration imposes the need to involve citizens in
the decision-making process of public policies. With this, in a macro perspective, generate
information on the disclosure of the dimensions of the New Public Governance (NPG) which
can contribute to the development of strategies that meet the demands that citizens impose on
management, something that until then has been little implemented by existing models. public
administration in the legislature. Thus, this work aims to raise dimensions for the analysis of
NPG, still lacking in the literature. As demonstrated, the dimensions are: deliberative
democracy, co-production, public value, displacement of power, coordination, efficiency and
effectiveness and accountability. The aim is to understand how governance structures and
processes are organized for the construction of public policies in the City Council of Tangará
da Serra, in Mato Grosso, and then seeks to verify the different aspects of the concept of public
governance. By examining the meaning of its principles, as a subsidy for the State's social
control, it aims to identify, in the analysis model, its mechanisms, in the dimensions of public
governance applied with the City Council. The challenge for the Legislature is to build a
drafting process that is more inclusive and aware of the role of citizens. This change is of a
cultural nature, as it involves the transformation of values and behaviors rooted in municipal
public power, and if it is true that the rulers are a representation of the society they govern. The
research approach method used in this study is characterized as a case study, being qualitative,
bibliographical research, interviews with the legislature, executive, class bodies, descriptive
approach, participant observation through sessions and public hearing, documental analysis of
minutes and law Municipal organization in the projects/laws, thus allowing to analyze them in
the study. In this way, the results allowed the identification of relevant aspects of the categories
of analysis of the New Public Governance. The study contributes to greater democracy, coparticipation, transparency and legitimacy in the construction of processes and their
implementation, thus ensuring quality of life for the population and greater effectiveness in
public policies.