Emprego do tramadol pelas vias intramuscular ou epidural em cães submetidos a cirurgia ortopédica
Guedes, Alonso Gabriel Pereira
Epidural and intramuscular tramadol were studied in adult, male and female
healthy dogs that were submitted to hind limbs orthopedic surgery. In the epidural study
cardiovascular and respiratory functions remained stable and analgesia was adequate
during the intra and postoperative periods. For the intramuscular study, tramadol was
compared to morphine as premedications. Compared to the morphine, tramadol
produced no sedation or vomiting, higher dose of thiopental to produce anesthetic
induction and similar analgesia. Time to extubate was shorter with tramadol.
Cardiovascular effects were similar with both drugs, but tramadol produced less
respiratory depression than morphine. It was conclued that epidural tramadol produces
satisfatory analgesia during surgical period and four hours postoperativelly in dogs
submitted to stifle surgery. Intramuscular tramadol shows different behavioral effects
compared to morphine (no vomiting, no tranquilization/sedation, and possibility of
ocasional superficial anesthetic plane), but analgesia and cardiovascular effects are
similar. Respiratory function is less depressed by intramuscular tramadol related to
morphine. It seems to be that epidural tramadol produces better intraoperative analgesia
than when it is used by the intramuscular route in dogs submitted to hind limbs
orthopedic surgery.