Tradução e estudo de The Prelude, de William Wordsworth
Aguiar, Angiuli Copetti de
The poem The Prelude (1850) by the English Romantic poet William Wordsworth (1770
– 1850) presents a multiplicity of dimensions which make it an interesting challenge for
the translator. As autobiography, and as part of Wordsworth’s project for a poetry
stripped of artificiality, it has a confessional and intimist tone in a diction near to prose,
but as an epic in the miltonic tradition, and of Romantic effusion, it is also a poem of
lofty rhetoric and sublime scope. Its diction appears to be prosaic, but it remains in a
productive tension with the formal structure of its rigorous blank verse. Thus, in order
to translate this work the translator must embrace the variety of its registers and
comprehend the interaction and tension which take place between them in the
production of the total effect of the poem. This we had in mind, and as the objective of
our thesis: to study The Prelude, with an special emphasis on its form and language,
in order to recreate in Portuguese a text which would reproduce the elements and
effects identified as fundamental components of the original text. Thus, we studied the
relevant biography of the poet and the history of composition of the poem, as well as
its first reception, so as to highlight, among the visions of the poem, our reading of it
as a sublime epic. Next, we studied the metrical dimension of the poem, considering
Wordsworth’s ideas concerning metrification, the history and the characteristics of the
iambic pentameter and the blank verse (meter of Prelude), and Wordsworth’s particular
blank verse, establishing the importance of the regular meter in the poem and of its
rhythmic regularity. After, we explored the linguistic dimension of the work, analysing,
on the one hand, its diction and rhetoric, and, on the other, its vocabulary and syntax
to determine the linguistic aspects worthier of attention during the translation,
established as: middle style, differentiation of register and diction, epic rhetoric,
syntactical complexity, sense of abstration, and sense of passivity. Thus, we delimited
our translational perspective as an attempt to recreate in Portuguese the aspects of
the poem listed as most relevant through mostly functional correspondences,
prioritizing a certain degree of foreignization of the syntax. We performed, then, a
survey and brief consideration of the previous translations of the poem and described
the course we took during the practice of the translation, until the consolidation of the
parameters adopted as ideal for our project, specially the iambic dodecasyllabic verse
with particular rules. Finally, we presented our translation and commented the
strategies employed in its realization.