Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Os movimentos artísticos do Grajaú: expressão territorial periférica em São Paulo, SP
Verneque, Dayane Oliveira
The reported research is based on the analysis of the artistic expressions of Grajaú, the
most populous district of São Paulo City, as a territorial expression, rescuing the periphery
as territory. Grajaú is located in the extreme south of São Paulo, and constitutes a
marginal area inside the urban dynamics. Through the dialectic method together with the
approach quali-quantitative, which demand the return of the district's historical trajectory,
the conflicting construction of São Paulo peripheries is shattered and revealed, crushed
by a massive urbanization process. The study suggests the understanding of territory as
a category of geographic analysis from a new approach: the peripheral territory. Such
spaces can be considered territories because they are at the root of power, which would
be the power of transformation through energy and information: work. Beyond this, the
appropriation of the occupied environment and the exercise of territoriality, also guarantee
the use of power. Art pulsates alive inside Grajaú, and it is a possible expression of
territoriality, because, as they are subjective and collective expressions, they mark the
use of society on space and the interference of that space on people's lives, guaranteeing
the possibility to take the territory beyond its boundaries. The study allowed the
identification of locations from some artistic manifestations and their proper spatialization,
resulting in a visual geographic product (map), which helps to understand the
phenomenon of peripheral territoriality, along with history and dialogue with some active
agents of this dynamic.