Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Centro Dia do Idoso: um espaço para o envelhecimento ativo em Cachoeira do Sul - RS
Ramos, Larissa Rithiéli
The aging of the population has been increasing over the years along with the economic growth and development of the country. In this way, numerous problems emerge that affect the quality of life of this age group. With this demand to meet, this work aims to show how architecture can help in active aging, in social inclusion, in the development of autonomy and in the creation of accessible spaces for all, in addition to guaranteeing the rights of the elderly to have adequate public equipment aimed at this group. To provide a basis for the elaboration of an architectural design for a day center for the elderly in the city of Cachoeira do Sul - RS, studies were carried out through a bibliographic review; case studies, application of questionnaires and technical visits that will guide the decisions and guidelines of the project.