Enfermeiros na gestão de hospitais universitários federais
Santos, Tanise Martins dos
This study aimed to understand how nurses experience the management of federal university
hospitals in the model of the Brazilian Hospital Services Company, and to develop a
representative substantive theory about the experience of nurses as managers, adopting
Morin's Complex Thought as a theoretical framework. It is a qualitative field research, guided
by Grounded Theory. The investigation was carried out in five federal university hospitals,
located in the southern region of Brazil. The research participants are nurses who occupy
and/or have occupied managerial positions in the management of federal university hospitals,
totaling 30 participants. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews,
from November 2019 to March 2021. Data were analyzed following the precepts of
Grounded Theory, predominantly based on the Glaserian strand. In the process of data
analysis, substantive coding and theoretical coding took place, culminating in the construction
of a substantive theory. All ethical precepts will be followed, meeting the rules of
Resolution No. 466/2012 and Resolution 510/2016 of the National Health Council. From the
intense and constant interaction with the data of this research, as well as reflections,
interpretations and observations made, in addition to the aid of comparative analysis, 11
categories emerged, namely: Managing university hospitals and hospitals; Consolidating a
professional and business management of federal university hospitals; Constituting nurses as
managers of federal university hospitals with skills and experience; Restructuring federal
university hospitals; Forming a support network among federal university hospitals; Adopting
strategic and emotional intelligence in management; Developing participatory management;
Valuing connection in search of fine tuning in management; Implementing anticipatory
management; Establishing an effective construction of hospital management; Taking the path
of co-management. From the data, the substantive theory was unveiled: “Experiencing
management as an executive nurse in federal university hospitals in the model of the Brazilian
Hospital Services Company”, which was later validated. With the study, the pattern of
behavior of nurses in managerial positions was understood, in order to help them to be able to
occupy high-level positions in health organizations, as well as to conquer and maintain these
management positions. In addition, we sought to highlight how nurses seek improvements in
the work developed in the hospital environment and in the management of health services,
leading necessary changes to meet the health needs of the population, the interests of Federal
Universities to which federal university hospitals are linked, as well as the maintenance and
development of the organization.