Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Educação ambiental na efetivação dos princípios jurídicos da precaução e da prevenção sob a ótica do direito
Silva, Vagner da Silva da
A balanced environment is everyone's right and it is also everyone's duty to preserve it for a
healthy quality of life for present and future generations. The Brazilian legal system has
legislation that brings penalties and fines for environmental offenders, but when offenders are
punished, environmental damage is already achieved, and its repair is often difficult or even
impossible. Therefore, this work seeks to demonstrate that Environmental Education can be an
effective device in the search for the effectiveness of the principles of precaution and prevention
in the search for environmental preservation. The law plays a very important role in the
protection of this legal asset, which is so important for society, but it alone is not effective in
protecting the environment. Aiming at environmental preservation as a focus, Environmental
Education can be a device of great importance in the preservation of the environment, in which
it has the intention of effecting the conservation of the environment through prevention, thus
implementing the legal principles of precaution and prevention, in which they avoid
environmental damage and its implementation, thus guiding human conduct. importance, as
well as the difference between the principles of precaution and prevention. In this work, the
subject of Environmental Education and its importance in putting into practice the legal
principles of precaution and prevention, as well as principles resulting from its implementation
as principles of information, participation and solidarity, will be addressed. Environmental
Education, through its practices, can make society seek to value the environment with actions
that result in practices, vagues, skills focused on the environment in which this will be
demonstrated through an interview with an IBAMA Inspector from notorious environmental
knowledge, in which he will present in the interview the Brazilian environmental situation,
society's behavior, as well as Environmental Education is treated in the different locations of
Brazil, both in formal and non-formal education.