Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Serviço Social e o pensamento pós-moderno: o debate necessário para reafirmação da hegemonia do atual projeto ético-político
2022-11-21Registro en:
HUBER, L. Z. Serviço Social e o pensamento pós-moderno: o debate necessário para reafirmação da hegemonia do atual projeto ético-político. 2022. 59 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2022.
Huber, Leonardo Ziegler
The coup of 2016 suffered by the working class, from the impeachment of the mandate
of former President Dilma (Workers' Party), revealed in Brazil the resurgence of the
economic, political, cultural and social project of neoliberalism, which advances
through all the bowels of society, including in the Universities, evidenced in the daily
struggles of Social Movements, especially the Student Movement and in the debates
inside and outside the classrooms. In this scenario, it is urgent to study the impacts
generated by this context in the field of professional education. To this end, the
generating theme of this work explores the field of Social Work, in the two main annals
of academic and scientific production of the professional category, knowledge
embodied in the ENPESS (National Meeting of Social Work Researchers) and the
CBAS (Brazilian Congress of Social Workers) between the years 2016 and 2020, in
an attempt to understand which are the forms of theoretical approximation of the area
with neoliberalism, expressed by postmodern thought. The work also seeks to identify
the authors who carry out this debate and if their foundations are compatible with the
current and hegemonic Ethical-Political Project of the profession, as well as by the
professional Code of Ethics, being the method adopted for this research the historical dialectical materialism, followed by a careful methodological path. Finally, it can be
seen that all the published works agree with the principles of emancipation, social
justice, freedom and plurality, defended in the profession's Code of Ethics. Strong
criticism was made to the advance of post-modern thought that is linked to the
neoconservatism of the profession, also with its syncretic origin and the confusion that
is made between pluralism and eclecticism. All the publications agree with the current
Ethical-Political Project and with Marxism, maintaining Social Work as a combative
field against the advances of capitalist exploitation and the domination of gender, race ethnicity and sexuality.