Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise de vibração em motoredutores de engenho de arroz utilizando Arduino e Smartphone para aquisição de dados.
Oliveira, Luciano de Souza
The aim of this work is to evaluate geared motors in a rice mill through vibration analysis using an Arduino and a cell phone for data acquisition. A survey of the company’s main equipment was carried out from the point of view of mechanical vibrations. This equipment was plotted on a base plan, and then maintenance principles were used to perform the criticality analysis, as well as the employees’ experience.Based on the history and experience of the company’s employees, it was aimed to identify the most critical machine to allow specific continuous monitoring planning. Therefore, the SEW Gearmotor was determined to be the most critical mechanism for production. Vibration analysis techniques were used for acceleration data that was gathered through a cell phone and an Arduino. Subsequently, the Fourier transform was applied, making it possible to work in the frequency domain, which resulted in better execution of the equipment monitoring. After processing the signal using Octave, it was possible to identify its main operating frequencies. In this way, two comparisons were made: the first was between the signal obtained by the cell phone and the Arduino, and the second was between a geared motor with normal operation and a geared motor that made noise during operation. Monitoring will allow for predictive maintenance to be carried out, which helps to reduce costs and avoid catastrophic failures. This work concluded that the density of the signal with noise is greater than that of the equipment in good working order, and no large variations were observed in the RMS values. In addition, the cell phone used does not have great applicability for this type of equipment. Finally, it identified opportunities for further research using the latest equipment.