Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Percepção dos servidores municipais do município de Capitão/RS sobre o consumo sustentável
Vian, Caroline
Consumerism is a practice applied by man and other living beings since the beginning
with the intention to supply the basic necessities. With society development and
evolution arose consumerism and, consequently, the environment imbalance due to
the uncontrolled consumerism. To try developing the environment awareness, it
instituted the “National Policy of the Environment Education. In this context, this study
was developed with the intention to evaluate the municipal employees of Capitão /RS
about sustainable consumerism. To obtain the datas of this investigation, a
questionnaire was applied to the effective employees of the city. Through the results
of the research, it is possible to conclude that the majority of the employees of the city
understand that their attitudes interfere in the environment quality and that they are
responsible for the environment's protection.