Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
As possíveis contribuições da Terapia Ocupacional junto a pessoas pós acidente vascular cerebral
Padilha, Kellen Sabrina Pistóia
This study aims to understand if there is a contribution in treatment and rehabilitation
from the interventions of Occupational Therapy with people after a cerebral stroke. This
study is characterized by being a systematic review of the literature. For data collection,
selection and analysis, the journals of Occupational Therapy journals were used:
Journal of Occupational Therapy of USP, Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy of
UFSCAR and Brazilian Interinstitutional Journal of Occupational Therapy -
REVISBRATO, using the productions published in the last five years (2016-2020)
available in Portuguese. From the data collection, it was possible to identify 10 articles
that fit the study inclusion criteria. These prove the role of the occupational therapist in
post cerebral stroke rehabilitation and its importance in the evolution of the cognitive,
motor, sensory framework and in the independence and autonomy of these subjects,
acting mainly in functional rehabilitation, ADL's and AIVD's training, motor
rehabilitation of upper limb, development of assistive technologies, orthotics aiming to
enhance occupational and functional performance, as well as providing guidance
before and after hospitalization to the subject health professionals, caregivers and
family members. This study highlights the importance of the Occupational Therapy
profession in this field of professional activity as well as the main techniques and
treatment approaches used, emphasizing through scientific production.