Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Execproject: um módulo educacional para o ensino do grupo de processos de execução do gerenciamento de projetos
Silva, José Gilberto Molina da
Project Management (GP) processes are crucial to increase the success rates in any project, and can be the difference between failure and success. The Project Management Body of Knowledge Guide (PMBOK) is one of the main references in the area, describing good practices in GP processes. In this context, there are some software tools that assist in project management. Some tools are aligned to the groups of initiation and planning processes defined in the PMBOK, however, they do not include the execution processes. Thus, the teaching of
project management can be improved, with the use of a simulation tool, to meet the group of PMBOK execution processes. Thus, in order to contemplate the execution activities, the objective of this Course Conclusion Work is to develop a simulation module. Simulating the sequence of execution of the activities defined in the project, allowing the user (project manager) to view the flow of execution of activities in an automated way, simulating the progress of activities, where activities may be moving according to schedule, early or barks. Allowing the user to perceive actions or situations adverse to what was imagined during
planning, or, depending on the parameterizations used, they occur very close to what was planned. The simulator was submitted to an evaluation by a project management class in the computer science course. Evaluation results indicate that the simulator has good usability and also show evidence that, in the students’ perception, the simulator contributes to the learning of the execution processes group.