Saberes docentes de professores alfabetizadores: domínios para autoavaliação docente
Colvero, Ana Paula Barbosa
This study is linked to the Graduate Program in Public Policies and Educational Management, in the
Research Line LP2: Pedagogical Management and Educational Contexts, from the research group
Practices and Training for teaching Research Group: Basic and Higher Education (GPDOC). The
general objective is collaboratively to build domains for teacher self-evaluation about the literacy
teachers’ teaching knowledge and their pedagogical practices in the Santa Maria Municipal Teaching
Network. As specific objectives it prioritizes: identifying pedagogical practices of reference in literacy in
the Santa Maria Municipal Teaching Network; recognizing the knowledge and guiding principles of the
pedagogical practices of teachers who work in the literacy block in the Santa Maria Municipal Teaching
Network; recognizing, based on collective work, domains and principles capable of boosting
self-evaluation regarding literacy pedagogical practices. The theoretical framework that supports the
research are studies by Bolzan (2013), Powaczuk (2013), Ferreiro AND Teberosky (1999), Soares
(2019), Tardif (2014), Garcia (2015), Gauthier et al. (2006). It is characterized as a research with a
qualitative approach, applied and implied type, carried out from dialogic meetings, based on the ECER
(POWACZUK et al. 2021), with teachers who have been working for more than eight years in the
pedagogical block of the municipality of Santa Maria. The study made it possible to identify the
construction and reconstruction of knowledge constructed by the teachers throughout their training
paths, revealing their work in different contexts, and their multiple challenges as mobilizers of teaching
learning. Process permeated by teaching feelings of teacher anguish, pedagogical insecurity and
teacher solidarity retranslated from the sharing between peers, which show domains related to
individualized self-evaluation as a source of teacher validation. In this sense, it listed principles and
domains of pedagogical work that will serve as guidelines for teacher self-evaluation. With regard to
Literacy Knowledge, we highlight the principles of pedagogical work and its domains. The principles of
the pedagogical work were marked by the premises of: mobilization of students when learning,
generation of needs, playfulness, recognition of the diversity of students' experience, student
evaluation, organization of routines, support and support from families. Regarding the domains of
pedagogical work, we observe phonological awareness, the social function of writing, reading and
storytelling. Based on this, we emphasize that the teaching working conditions at Santa Maria MTN
need to be qualified, especially with regard to the lack of space and time for sharing between teachers,
so that they can share practices, challenges, anxieties and pedagogical successes. The
technical/educational product is a proposal for a teacher self-evaluation instrument about literacy
pedagogical practices, as we understand that it constitutes a device capable of boosting reflection and
qualification of literacy pedagogical practices.