Que experiências motivam a escolha da docência durante a formação inicial? Percursos de auto(trans) formação docente em Letras
Lima Junior, Agnaldo Mesquita de
The present Doctoral thesis in Education was developed together with the Graduate
Program in Education at the Federal University of Santa Maria (PPGE/UFSM), in the
Research Line Teaching, Knowledge and Professional Training (LP1). The central
proposition sought to understand how the students of the Licentiate in Letters course,
who did not have the teaching profession in their initial horizon of future, built their
paths to teaching. Due to the characteristics of the theme, the research followed a
qualitative approach, approaching the procedure proper to research-training, based on
the precepts of (auto)biographical research (JOSSO, 20041 2010), using the
narratives as a guideline for the dialogue between researcher and research co-authors.
Seeking to reach the proposed objective, we carried out a state-of-the-art study in the
Thesis Catalog (CTD) of the Higher Education Personnel Improvement Commission
(CAPES) seeking a better understanding of the concept of teacher self(trans)training,
from of surveys carried out in the period 2013-2019. Subsequently, we carried out a
bibliographic survey with the purpose of theoretically densifying and contextualizing
the project, using mainly the ideas of Paulo Freire (1979, 1981, 1987, 1989, 1991,
1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2013a, 2013b) and Ernani Maria Fiori (1991). Subsequently,
we used bibliographic and documental research aiming at a greater setting and sociohistorical and institutional contextualization with the concrete context of the research.
Next, we built an initial approach through a structured questionnaire sent via google
docs and selected 06 (six) subjects to be co-authors in the research. From the selection
of co-authors, we built a semi-structured narrative interview script, aiming to guide the
dialogues to be developed with the co-authors. The dialogues were recorded and later
transcribed, with the consent of the co-authors. In the end, we defend the following
thesis: The process of initial teacher self (trans)formation is developed considering the
construction of personal and educational experiences that gradually motivate the
choice of teaching as a viable and pleasant path for a professional future. This process
develops from childhood and crosses the different moments and different instances of
the subjects' lives, mobilizing their choices and building their professional identity. In
teaching literature, the relationship with reading and with professors in this area who
marked the trajectory of the subjects, gain a special contour in the subjectivity of the