Projeções climáticas e seu impacto na produtividade potencial da cultura do arroz no Equador utilizando o modelo Simple
Peralta, Diego Enrique Portalanza
Ecuador is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change and climate variability
phenomena that could significantly affect various sectors and aspects of human life, such
as economy and agriculture. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most fundamental staple
crops and feeds more than 50% of the world’s population. Its production needs to increase
by 70% by 2050 to meet the growing requirement for food associated with a growing population
and economic expansion. General circulation models (GCMs) suggest that increasing
greenhouse gas intensities may affect the global climate. The future main challenges
to food security presented by climate change call for extraordinary efforts and skill to simulate
and foresee the relations concerning crop growth dynamics, the environment, and crop
management. Here we used dynamically downscaled Regional Climate Model (RCM) data
for the Ecuadorian domain to generate precipitation and air temperature climate projections
(2070 – 2099) under three different climate change scenarios and a Crop Model to quantify
climate change impact on rice crop. For this, the total Ecuadorian area was divided into
three regions: Coastal (CO), Highlands (HL), and Amazon (AM), following political boundaries,
and after that two main CO producer regions were analyzed. For the Representative
Concentration Pathway (RPC) 2.6 temperature will have a mean change of 1.35, 1.55, and
1.21 ºC for CO, HL, and AM, respectively. Seasonally, June, July, and August (JJA) presented
the largest shift with a positive change of 1.45 °C. A less significant mean shift is
observed in December, January, and February (DJF) (Ecuadorian rainy season) presenting
the lowest alteration with a mean delta change of 1.30 °C. The spatial change in productivity
presented different patterns for Guayas and Los Rios. Our results showed that the
RegCM4-VSM simulations for Guayas will have a negative impact on production under all
climate scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5). The analysis is not only the first assessment of
the impact of climate change on rice productivity using crop modelling, but it also provides
solutions to projected deficiencies in the rice crop that alert Ecuador’s food security. Like
this, climatic policies should be strengthened particularly in adaptation measures.