Aspectos fiscais quanto à possibilidade de unificação monetária no Mercosul: uma análise do déficit e da dívida pública à luz da experiência européia
Londero, Daiane
This work presents an analysis of the fiscal character of the Monetary Unification for
Mercosul, based on the Euro experience. To do so, the ratings of debt and public
deficit are checked out, aiming to discover the possibilities of the creation and
maintenance of a Mercosul’s Monetary Union in European frames. In European case,
the Stability and Growth Pact was signed, aiming to get a solid management of public
finances, creating, therefore, fiscal rules that set boundaries to the deficit and the
debt. Meanwhile, the hypothesis of a "Mercosul’s Stability and Growth Pact" is
considered, verifying, through instruments such as the Contract Theory and the
Theory of Games, the possibility of future maintaining of a hypothetical single
currency in Latin-American region. Thus, the present work is divided as follows: after
an introduction of the subject, a first chapter presents notions of economic
integration, as well as monetary union, through theoretical and practical
considerations and parallel between European Union and Mercosul; in a second
moment, the criterion that make possible the creation of a single monetary area,
specially in what concerns to the debt and the deficit, are analyzed; in the third
chapter, the maintaining of the monetary union after its consolidation is approached,
through the proposition of a "Mercosul’s Stability and Growth Pact” in European
frames; finally, some conclusions are presented.