Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Sintomas de TDAH e suas correlações com regulação emocional em universitários
2023-02-01Registro en:
PINTO, L.V.M. Sintomas de TDAH e suas correlações com regulação emocional em universitários. 2023. 37 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2023.
Pinto, Luíza Vieira Macedo
Emotional regulation is a complex process in which evaluation skills, attention,
decision-making and inhibitory control are necessary. Attention deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) is related to emotional dysregulation (ED), and there is growing
evidence that ED is not only a trait, but a core symptom of ADHD. The goal of the
present study is to use both Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS-18) and Following
Affective States Teste (FAST) to investigate possible correlations and differences
between subjects with and without ADHD symptoms, specially differences relating
to their way to cope and deal with affective states (emotions, moods, stress
responses). Participants of the present study were all undergraduate students (72
male and 156 female), age (M=22,22; SD=5,11). Among all 224 subjects, 52
participants presented an ASRS-18 score suggestive of the presence of ADHD.
Significant correlations were found between hyperactivity, attention deficit and the
inclination to follow negative feelings.