Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Investigação das percepções sobre sustentabilidade entre alunos de alunos iniciais: propondo um caminho possível para a alfabetização científica
Silveira, Maira dos Santos
Currently, the enviromental issues are being highlighted all over the world and are
generating discussions in the most diverse spheres of society. Against the emerging
environmental crisis related to human actions, discussions about sustainability and
sustainable development arise. The enviromental issues requires education for all, and
it is essential to teach and learn so that sustainable actions can be praticed. The aims
of the present study are to investigate and analyze the perceptions of early years
students of elementary school on sustainability, and through these, propose strategies
to sensitize students to sustainable practical attitudes, providing scientific literacy and
the oportunity of change and expansion knowledge about sustainability. The
investigation of perceptions, which involved forty five early years students in a public
school, consisted of the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. Were realized
the following activities: (1) conversation about sustainability practices and ecological
corridors for bees; and reading of the book História da Turma da Mônica:
Sustentabilidade; (2) visitation to the campus of UFSM-Palmeira das Missões; and (3)
development of didactic material and ecological corridors for bees. The results
evidenced that 38,2% of the students recognized the word sustainability, enphasizing
informal places of learning. However, 30,3% didn’t recognized the word sustainability.
Also, 29% of students atributted sustainability as human support and 47,6% didn’t
know what sustainable practices are. For the evaluation of the proposed activities, it
was requested to the students drawings that represented what they had learned, which
demonstrated the potential of science teaching linked to scientific literacy, since no
student mentioned unsustainable actions. The school must provide possibilities, based
on the students previous knowledge and pedagogical practices that break the
epistemologial barriers.