Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Representações de estudantes sobre questões ambientais
Rossato, Josiane
The Environmental Education has the task to define values and motivations that lead
the standards of preservation behavior and improvement of the environment. In this
direction, I consider that the biggest challenge that is placed for the Environmental
Education is to give to account of the understanding of the complexity man-nature.
With the objective of to find out conception/representation of participants of formal
education regarding the environment problems, two workshops on subjects related to
the environment had been implemented. Moreover, they had been proportionate
moments of participation and learning and to exactly was verified the importance of
the workshops as pedagogical instrument, aiming at a dialogue between the
participants and relating the subjects with the partner-environmental context where
we are inserted. As much the academics of the Course of Biological Sciences how
much the pupils of Basic Education had presented similar conceptions with relation to
the environment problems. However, the first ones believe that proper they can
become the "rescuers of the planet" through its research and beliefs in the power of
science. On the other hand, the others if do not insert in the partner-environmental
context as collaborating of the process of degradation and as possible operating in
the preservation of the environment. Moreover, any relation between the environment
and social problems was not mentioned in no group. In this direction, the fragmented
notion is evidenced that is passed through the resumes and of the media which use a
naturalistic and anthropocentric boarding of the environment. An environmental
education becomes necessary that makes possible the construction of a
representation of complex environment, which makes possible the pupil to acquire a
global conscience of the relative questions to the way, so that then positions
sharpened with referring values are assumed its protection and improvement.