Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Mulheres no arquivo: estudo dos processos criminais envolvendo mulheres entre os anos de 1910 a 1945 em Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul
2023-02-01Registro en:
LOOSE, L. I. G. Mulheres no arquivo: estudo dos processos criminais envolvendo mulheres entre os anos de 1910 a 1945 em Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. 2023. 94 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Arquivologia)–Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2023.
Loose, Linda Inês Gonçalves
Demonstrating the importance of the criminal process as a source of research in practice. This work has as a base of study ten criminal processes involving women as defendants in criminal cases that occurred between the years 1910 to 1945, which are under the guardianship of the Municipal Historical Archive of Santa Maria. In addition to identifying who these women were and the reasons for the creation of these documents, the historical context of the time and the criminal thinking when the subject involves women will be explored. When we talk about the theoric area with the importance of archives as a source of research, we will concern first in who gives the document its status as a “historical document”, that is, its producing society, in this way we will discuss the effects of memory on society, the archives themselves, arguing about its importance and the difference between some types of files, the document itself as an object of study. The result of this research demonstrates that documents independent of their value to society and social memory can reveal different realities of the same city, highlighting how people's lives were without stereotypical thinking or just reading what the social elite described