Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
A ação católica e o papel restaurador do clero
Machado, Lorenzo Giuliano Bortolazzo
The transformations in Europe throughout the 19th century, from the Enlightenment (17thcentury), Industrial Revolution (18th century) and French Revolution (18th century), provoked political, economic and cultural changes. This was noticeable in the world’s relations of work and in the thought, considering new horizons. The Marxism’s emergence asaperspective that
proposed to reflect about the conditions of workers, the struggles and contradictions, as well as
ideas of secularization of society and the questioning of the temporal authority of religion, put
the Catholic Church and its hierarchy to observe and constitute its own social thinking from the
pontificate of Pope Leo the XIII (1878-1903). The Church's Social Doctrine was built
throughout the first decades of the 20th century, reaching the foundation of Catholic Action by
Pope Pius the XI (1922-1939), international Catholic movement that aimed at the participation
of Catholic priests to re-Christianize society, under the tutelage and guidance of Catholic priests
to re-Christianize the society, moved away from the “communist danger” and restore the
Catholic connotation of society, legitimizing the role of the Church in the world.