Do it yourself (DIY) videolessons: proposta de material digital para orientar o design de videoaulas para o ensino de inglês como língua adicional
Schiefelbein, Layla Ribas
The use of digital technologies, blended learning, the flipped classroom, and
remote and distance learning modalities are some of the drivers of the need to
know how to use and produce videolessons for pedagogical purposes.
Videolessons have become a teaching and learning tool in the globalized world
and, however, because they are a multimodal genre, they can pose challenges
for those who produce them and for those who use them as a teaching tool. The
present research was developed in the Postgraduate Program in Educational
Technologies in Network (PPGTER), research field of Development of
Educational Technologies in Network (LP1). In this research, we developed a
miniseries composed of five video classes that help in the production of video
classes in English as an Additional Language. This miniseries was prepared
based on an analysis of video classes, which were selected from the answers to
a diagnostic questionnaire, with undergraduate students from the Federal
University of Santa Maria (UFSM) as an audience. With the data collection of this
questionnaire, I selected 14 copies of video classes that were analyzed in search
of a possible rhetorical organization. After the analysis and elaboration of the
instructional material, which was applied and evaluated in a class of the
undergraduate course in Letters-English at UFSM. After this application and
evaluation, the product was re-elaborated and re-applied. The data from this
research contribute to the confirmation of the importance and visibility that video
classes have in ILA teaching.The miniseries format product is available on
LabEOn's youtube channel.