Análise de consoantes plosivas de crianças com transtornos dos sons da fala: estudo de caso
Santos, Gabriela Brum dos
This study aims to investigate the articulatory production of alveolar plosive
consonants /t/ and /d/ and velar /k/ and /g/ of Brazilian Portuguese (BP), through
images of language ultrasonography in different disorders of speech sounds. Two
children with previous phonoaudiological diagnoses participated in the research, being
a boy with Apraxia de Fala Infantil and a girl with Phonological Disorder, both with 5
years of age. Data were collected through the spontaneous naming of eight words of
BP, these being disyllabic and paroxyones, in the vocalic context of /a/ and /u/ - /taco/,
/tuba/, /dado/, /ducha/, /capa/, /cuca/, /gato/ and /gula/ - extracted from the Speech
Assessment Instrument for Acoustic Analysis (Instrumento de Avaliação de Fala para
Análise Acústica - IAFAC). Each word was produced 3 times within a sentence vehicle,
totaling 24 traces of the productions of each child. The words were presented to the
subject in the form of figures for naming, and previously shown for recognition and
training. From the transcription of phonological data and analysis of the tongue curves,
it was possible to observe the presence of gestures tests necessary for the production
of the analyzed segments, even if these could not be detected in the production and
types of repair strategies used. From the above, it was concluded that the subjects
evaluated presented several characteristics already mentioned in the literature.
However, the traces provided by tongue ultrasonography demonstrated tests of
articulatory gestures, suggesting that children are in a period of refinement of gestures,
characteristics that cannot be observed in the perceptual analysis.