Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Sobrecarga dos Cuidadores de idosos: Uma revisão de literatura
Freitas, Nara Rocha
Introduction: The transformations of the age pyramid in Brazil have shown an increase in the
elderly population and one of the consequences is the increase in chronic degenerative diseases
of this population. Such diseases can compromise the autonomy of the elderly, requiring the
presence of a caregiver to provide continuous assistance to them. Thus, care is needed to be
provided to this population, care provided by formal and informal caregivers. The burden and
stress level of these caregivers seems evident in view of the great demand that the elderly have,
especially those affected by chronic-degenerative and disabling diseases. Objective: To verify
the overload characteristics of elderly caregivers in Brazil, by reading scientific articles.
Methodology: The present study is a bibliographic review of the narrative type, with a
qualitative approach. We searched the electronic databases and books using the keywords as a
search strategy: "Caregiver", "profile" and "Overload". For data analysis, the precepts of
Bardin's content analysis will be used. Results: It was observed during the elaboration of the
research, that the predominant profile are women of advanced age, low level of education,
without any type of course or training to exercise care for the elderly. Overload index
considered moderate to moderate-severe, directly influencing the quality of life of these
professionals, therefore it was evidenced in the study that the burden is associated with the time
of care that the elderly needs, the degree of dependence, its functionality, the age of the
caregiver and the importance of a health and health support network mental health of these
caregivers, whether formal or informal.