Trajetória de professoras surdas no universo docente do ensino superior
Oliveira, Luiza Cátie da Rosa
This research was developed in the Graduate Program in Education, Line of
Research; Special Education, Inclusion and Difference and Group of Studies and
Research in Psychology of Education and Inclusive Education (GEPEIN) and aimed
to analyze the path taken by these deaf teachers in order to identify the behavior of
deaf teachers in relation to issues of gender and disability, thus allowing an analysis
of prejudices and inequalities in the university space. The aim of this study was to
answer the following question: what are the difficulties faced by these women during
their journey to and from teaching? One of the main reasons for choosing this theme
was having noticed women who experience exclusion through barriers in relation to
gender, denialist situations in relation to being deaf, social inequalities and in the
labor market. exploratory study according to the approaches of Gil (2002), in a
qualitative approach, which considers the context in which the researched group,
which is characterized as a convenience sample. Interviews were conducted with
deaf professors from public and private universities in Rio Grande do Sul. The
controlled interpretations were listed from the speeches, which are the interrelated
units such as categories that are: race, gender, socioeconomic class, among others.
The results indicate that, through many struggles and their claims, many rights
previously denied, mainly to deaf women, by the hearing society, have already been
achieved, although deaf women still do not have equal opportunities with deaf men
and women. and hearing men. Finally, it exposes the right to development as a
human right, corroborating the importance of movements that made it possible for
deaf women to be in teaching spaces.