Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise comparativa da viabilidade econômica de uma usina eólica em relação a uma usina fotovoltaica no litoral sul do Rio Grande do Sul
Suda, Bruna De Morais
The agenda of renewable energy and less environmental impact has become increasingly recurrent due to the growing demand for energy and global warming. In this context, it becomes attractive to compare them with each other for investment decision making. This work aims to scale a mini generation wind power plant and compare it economically with a photovoltaic system with the same capacity to generate electricity. With an exploratory character and a quantitative approach, 12 scenarios were simulated, varying the type of system, the Minimum Attractiveness Rate (TMA) and the use of the natural resource. From this, the Net Present Value (VPL), Discounted Payback (PD), Internal Rate of Return (TIR) and Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) methods were applied. Finally, the results are presented, confirming the viability of all scenarios, with number 1, a wind system, being the most attractive.