Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Os desafios enfrentados pelas bibliotecárias para gestão e promoção das bibliotecas públicas municipais da cidade do Rio Grande, RS
Soares, Susi Andresa da Cunha
Public libraries are environments for building citizenship, aimed at information literacy, aiming
at contributing to the development of people in their quality of life, health, rights, among others.
Therefore, the general objective of this study was to analyze the challenges faced by librarians
for the management and promotion of Municipal Public Libraries in the city of Rio Grande,
RS. The work is justified by the fact that it was found through research in repositories and databases, that there are not many studies relating libraries and municipal public management.
For that, a descriptive research was developed with the librarians and coordinator of the Core
of Libraries, having as instrument of data collection a questionnaire with six open questions.
Among the main results, we highlight the aspects that hinder the management and promotion
of libraries, which are several, such as not having a qualified professional in front of the library,
the lack of professional interest, the lack of institutional support and of superior bodies. And as
suggestions from this research, it is recommended that municipal public libraries establish
partnerships with other institutions. In addition, it is noteworthy that library expenses can be
part of the municipal budget, through the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) and the Annual Budget
Law (LOA).