Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A atuação do assistente social na mediação de medidas protetivas para crianças e adolescentes em um hospital universitário.
Seibert, Deise
This experience report aimed to report the experience as a Social Worker while residing in the
Integrated Multiprofessional Residency Program in Management and Hospital Care in the
Public Health System of the emphasis on Women and Children's Health Care, about the
performance and challenges of professional performance facing the process of institutional
reception in pediatrics at the University Hospital of Santa Maria (HUSM). This is a study in the
form of a practical theoretical report of experience, the result of a period of two years of
practice. It was observed, through the experience in the hospital environment and the assistance
provided during the two-year period, the fragility of public policies. It was concluded that
institutional reception occurs due to the lack of public policies and there is an overload and
responsibility for care for the family.