Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Análise da viabilidade da implementação de microrredes CC na Região Sul e Região Amazônica do Brasil
Marques, Samantha Almansa
Currently the distribution system is facing challenges to maintain the systems quality
and reliability, with regard to the exponential growth of distributed generation (DG) and
a scenery with plug-in electric vehicles (PEV). Therefore, it is vital to think about preventive
measures to avoid the DG negatively impacting the electric power system while
supporting the adoption of other technologies. Furthermore, it is observed a relevant
demand of residential and comercial DC charge and when combined with DG, can
bring efficiency and economic gains. The DC microgrid implementation can mitigate
and even solve the impacts caused onto the electric power system and can provide
electricity to remote locations, in a more efficient way. Thus, this work is aimed to the
analysis the economic and socioenvironmental feasibility of DC microgrids implementation
for for the South region and Amazon region of Brazil, estimating the consumption
profile and efficiency energy for each scenario. Through sizing the microgrids in the
Software HOMER Pro, payback, present worth, net present cost and return on investment
is obtained. An estimate of the social and environmental transformation capacity
of this technology is also carried out. The implementation of the CC microgrid proved
to be viable under socio-environmental aspects for both scenarios, however, under
economic aspects, it proved to be more viable for the microgrid in the South region.
However, with a critical social analysis, it is possible to conceive that the implementation
is feasible in both cases.