A utilização do processo micro learning na educação profissional e tecnológica
Oliveira, Jaime Gabriel Mendonça de
This Dissertation is entitled “The Use of the Micro Learning Process in Professional and
Technological Education (EPT)” and was prepared in the Postgraduate Program in Professional
and Technological Education of the Industrial Technical College of Santa Maria, Federal
University of Santa Maria. Nowadays, the educational process goes through several advances
of a technical and, above all, technological nature. Attention and focus are on quick and easily
accessible information such as that obtained from cell phones. The trend is that the Micro
Learning process is used more frequently in Education. Correct use can impact teaching,
making it faster and optimizing teacher and student time. This process is related to the research
line Innovation for Vocational and Technological Education. In order to update the academic
community, the Micro Learning teaching process was researched, as well as its use in EPT,
offering subsidies for those who opt for this teaching process. The methodology used was a
case study, seeking solutions to the problem presented, in addition to being an innovative
process, there is little material in Portuguese, a fact that the case study clarify, offering new
contributions. Through the case study, it was possible to resolve doubts and point out possible
answers, verify in loco the construction and operation of Micro Learning. For data collection,
the selected audiences were teachers and students from the National Service for Commercial
Learning, the Municipal School of Industrial Learning and the NPOR Pq R Mnt/3. After
collecting and analyzing the data, the expected result will be to know the applicability of the
aforementioned teaching process, as well as to know the reality of the “knowledge pills” and
their effectiveness. Evaluate the impact of its use and finally develop an applicability guide.