Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Graduação
Concepção de um veículo lançador de microssatélite baseado em foguetes de sondagem desenvolvidos no Brasil
2020-09-28Registro en:
MARTISN NETO, F. Concepção de um veículo lançador de microssatélite baseado em foguetes de sondagem desenvolvidos no Brasil. 2020. 110 p. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Aeroespacial)- Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, 2020.
Martins Neto, Fortunato
The present work presents a proposal that involves reverse engineering of the current solid
rocket engines developed by the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE), for the design of a
Microsatellite Launch Vehicle (VLM). This is done for quick access to space with technology
previously produced in the country. The final goal is to insert a 50kg payload in low Earth
orbit (LEO) using existing rockets. The conception is based on the preliminary analysis
of V budget based on different combinations of rockets already developed and tested in
other national projects, using data referring to the propellant mass and structure of available
rockets. Based on this preliminary analysis, it was possible to establish a reference configuration
for performing reverse engineering based on the consultation of available data of
such rockets. In this sense, based on the data on combustion chamber pressures, nozzle
expansion ratios, oxidizer and fuel used, mixing ratios practiced, specific engine thrust, thrust
force, grain shape, materials and basic dimensions, it was possible to obtain the main
parameters for the preliminary design of the vehicle. In the preliminary design, the reference
parameters for the design of the rocket engine were used, for each of the stages of
the VLM, through the program RPA ©, in order to meet the requirements of the pre-project.
Once the preliminary design of the proposed new vehicle was completed, orbital insertion
simulations were carried out in LEO using MATLAB © based on the Space Flight Mechanics
equations to evaluate the insertion into orbit of a microsatellite and proving the feasibility of
the project.